Call for application to be a European Talent Centre or an Associated European Talent Centre

PLEASE NOTE: Applications have now closed for 2017.

The 2014 General Assembly of ECHA agreed that ECHA will support, regulate and guide the formation of a European Talent Support Network. European Talent Centres will form the hubs of this Network, while European Talent Points will be its nodes.[1]

Aims and details of the European Talent Support Network can be found in the document downloadable from:


The General Assembly of ECHA elected the Qualification Committee in 2016: to qualify European Talent Centres.


The Qualification Committee invites European or in case of Associated Centres non European talent support organisations to submit their application to become a European or Associated European Talent Centre.


A European Talent Centre should be an organisation, or a distinct part of a larger organisation, established for this role. European Talent Centres might organise activities in the field of high ability in a region or a country (meaning that there might be more than one European Talent Centre per European country, and applications may cover more than one country).


You can read about the results of the first round (2015) and the second round (2016) of applications here:  and here:


A Scoring Sheet that accompanies the application form can be downloaded from SCORIN2017_final. The Qualification Committee will evaluate your application by aggregating the scores as a whole. Applications will not be judged against each criteria separately. Successful proven past activity and potential future engagements in the field would be of key importance in this process.


Existing European Talent Centres will be re-evaluated every other year (i.e. in 2019, 2021 etc.) by the Qualification Committee of ECHA to ensure that they still fulfil the criteria. If the criteria are no longer fulfilled, the title of European Talent Centre may be suspended or withdrawn by the Committee.


Please complete the on-line Application Form by 15 October 2017. The Application Form will be sent to the Secretary of the Qualification Committee, Csilla Fuszek ( Please email any queries to

[1] The notion of hubs (Talent Centres) and nodes (Talent Points) in the forming European Talent Support Network does not mean a hierarchical structure. European Talent Points will be linked to the Network through European Talent Centres. European Talent Points may also develop contacts with multiple European Talent Centres and each other. Talent Centers should be considered as coordinating centers. There is a possibility for a joint-application to be a European Talent Centre requiring no potential European Talent Points (schools, parent organisations, organisations in gifted education, etc.) for that particular Centre. That gives a way to make a fully non-hierarchical network in countries, or regions, where it is preferred.


Invitation to the 2017 Biennial Conference of the International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence (IRATDE)

Cutting-Edge Research on Talent Development

IRATDE Invitation


The Hamden Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for Distinguished Academic Performance announces the 2017 Biennial Conference of the International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence (IRATDE)

(Cutting-Edge Research on Talent Development)

which is being jointly organized by the Hamdan Award and the IRATDE.

For more information and registration, please visit the website



Highly Gifted: Welcome To My World! with Sue Jackson

A special symposium – unique for Europe –
about highly, exceptionally and profoundly gifted children and teens

On Friday 29th September and Saturday 30th September a very special event will take place in The Netherlands.

Renata Hamsikova (ECHA), in cooperation with Joyce Luider (ECHA), is organising one of a kind international symposium.

The speaker P. Susan (Sue) Jackson from Daimon Institute, Vancouver, Canada, the creator of the widely praised documentary “Rise”, will share her knowledge and experience through lectures and workshops.

This symposium is centred around research, education and admiration of the beautiful minds of our intelligent children and teenagers. Since you or your organisation is or could be involved in the societal theme “giftedness” we want to draw your attention to this symposium. The symposium will focus on the remarkable world of highly gifted children and teenagers, and their individual needs.

Why is this event important?

Exceptional Giftedness is a way of experiencing, perceiving, thinking and creating that is fundamentally different from a more typical human experience.

And, it might not be what you think it is . . .

Extraordinarily gifted students, who score in the 99.9th percentile on IQ and achievement tests, or who show the potential for exceptional performance in leadership, visual or performing arts, creative or productive thinking, entrepreneurship and technical know-how are, arguably, the most underserved in today’s education system.

The current inability of most educators to identify and even minimally address their needs leaves the HPG student anxious, frustrated, and otherwise functionally disabled in the classroom and in life. This is a tragedy for the child and his or her family, and a profound waste of astonishing human potential and creative capacity. As well, many physicians, psychologists, counselors, coaches and support workers are uninformed about those characteristics of exceptionally gifted children that may mimic aspects of a typical mental illness profile.

This lack of awareness could result in an ill-fated misdiagnosis.

Further, untrained professionals might also struggle to make an accurate diagnosis for exceptionally gifted children who, though remarkably talented, have language processing difficulties, and may need accommodations for best results.

Exceptionally gifted children have uncommon and extraordinary methods of perceiving, thinking and producing that are not easily pigeonholed. They are easily misunderstood, at their peril.

It is essential that we provide professionals, families, policy makers and educators of all stripes with crucial knowledge and guidance to support this extraordinary tribe of children. It is essential that we work together to form a strong network of committed laypersons and professionals, world-wide, who have their best interests at heart.

Information and registration

The first participants from the Netherlands and the rest of Europe have already applied. Read everything you want to know about the symposium’s contents and apply in a timely manner. You will receive valuable insights regarding highly gifted children and teenagers.

If you have any questions about the symposium or giftedness, please contact us via .


Renata Hamsikova and Joyce Luider-Veenstra, both ECHA Specialist in Gifted Education, organisers of the symposium.

The organizer of the event Highly Gifted: Welcome To My World! is IeKu Advies,,

Conference: Identifying the Gifted and Work with them in Education


Centre for Research and Promotion of Giftedness at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana (CRSN) organizes

on the 21st and 22nd September 2017

a 2nd International Professional-Research Meeting/Conference

Individuals and institutions that address giftedness, Talent Points within the European Talent Support Network (ETSN) as well as educators, teachers, teachers/professors mentors, and researchers who deal with the talented and would like to exchange experience in this field, gain new knowledge and make new acquaintances, are kindly invited to attend.

The objectives of the conference are as follows:

  • Presentations of individual institutions – Talent Points within the European Talent Support Network (ETSN) and their practices and challenges of working with the gifted.
  • Exchange of experience and expertise, research ideas with regard to the identification, promotion and work with the gifted at the national and international levels, and in various fields, e.g. natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, mathematics, art, sports, computer science, technology.
  • Learning of and networking between agencies with similar professional or research interests.
  • Cultivating a learning community of experts for quality teaching, based on the promotion of the learning potentials of the gifted.

The two-day conference programmme with international participants will comprise various forms of work:

Plenary lectures delivered by: Dr. Fani Nolimal (Zavod RS za šolstvo), Dr. Željko Rački (Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku; Talent Point), Dr. Colm O’Reilly (Centre for Talented Youth Irland, City University Dublin; Talent Centre), Dr. Heidrun Stoeger (Fakultät für Psychologie, Pädagogik und Sportwissenschaft, Universität Regensburg; Talent Centre)

Round tables held on: 21 September 2017: Voice of the Youth: The Gifted on their Education and Future, and on 22 September 2017: Research with the Gifted.

– Presentations – individual contributions and postersTalent Points, Talent Centres, and individual thematic sections (kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, other educational / research institutions).

– Informal socializing and getting to know each other during the conference.

On Saturday, 23 September 2017, an excursion will be organized. A small contribution from the participants will be expected.

The early registration fee for the participants of the Talent Points amounts to EUR 40, and EUR 80 for all other participant. After 3 July 2017 there will be a uniform fee of EUR 100. The fee includes the basic conference expenses (snacks and beverages during breaks, lunch and materials). Students, pensioners and the unemployed shall be exempt from the fee.

The fee is to be paid to the account TRR SI56 0110 0603 0706 731 ( 291254) or the invoice data may be e-mailed to or sent to the address: CRSN, Pedagoška fakulteta UL, Kardeljeva ploščad 16, 1000 Ljubljana.

Conference applications are accepted online:

All the attendees are kindly invited to actively participate in the conference and to present their work and experiences. The deadline for the submission of the title of the article and a brief summary of the content presentation (100-150 words) in Slovenian and English via the web link is May the 15th 2017. All active participants will be awarded a Certificate of active participation in the international conference, graded according to the Rules on Promotion to Professional Titles in Education (Official Gazette of the RS, no. 54/2002 and amendments).

 Additional information is available on the e-mail : or on the phone: 01 5892 353.

Follow us at:

You are invited to present your work and experience of the work with the gifted at the conference, and to become part of the professional and learning community within the European Talent Support Network (ETSN).

We expect the participation of colleagues from Slovenia and other European countries, the Talent Centres and Talent Points.

On behalf of the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, and CRSN we cordially welcome you and look forward to meeting you,


Assoc prof. Dr. Mojca Juriševič

Head of CRSN

Assoc. prof. Dr. Janez Vogrinc

Dean of the Faculty of Education

1. invitation 2017 conference

YOUTH SUMMIT of the European Talent Support Network 2017




The second European Youth Summit took place in Budapest from 29 th March to 2 nd April, 2017. The Summit was organized by the European Talent Center Budapest in collaboration with the Youth Platform of the European Talent Support Network. It brought together talented young people from different Talent Centers and Talent Points from all around Europe and other countries like India, Iran to foster enduring international connections and collaborations beneficial for both talented youth and society.

It was a wonderful opportunity for participants to meet like-minded individuals from different parts of the world having undergone a variety of talent development programs. There were 64 participants from 17 countries representing a total of 20 nationalities from the age of 14-26. The five days were marked by interactive sessions with eminent figures in the field of giftedness and workshops on future projects along with a taste of Hungarian culture.

Prof. Peter Csermely’s opening presentation on ‘Networking Day’ helped participants understand how to best use their intelligence and creativity along with guidance for creating a strong network for the Youth Platform over the course of time. This was followed by a series of ‘Lightning Talks’ – short Ted-talk style presentations where participants introduced their Talent Centers and Points to the group. It also provided participants the space to express and share their most cherished pursuits and accomplishments, which proved inspiring for everyone present.

On ‘Talent Day’, Dr. Ziegler introduced participants to different concepts of giftedness as well as the extensive scope of research being done in this field. Dr. Szilvia Peter-Szarka offered participants a chance to understand the complexities of defining giftedness and the ensuing difficulties in determining rights for gifted and talented students. Work on the EU Charter on Rights of Gifted Students continued with different groups providing suggestions for different sections of the Charter. William Benkő also conducted an extremely useful workshop on public speaking, helping participants realize the importance and most efficient method of conveying their thoughts.

And lastly, ‘Innovation Day’, which was partially conducted at the Central European University in Budapest, proved to be a beneficial platform for participants to find creative solutions for ongoing and future Youth Platform projects. The bonds formed over the past few days along with enhanced knowledge of giftedness enabled team work on crystalizing ideas into structured projects such as an International Mentoring Program, Cultural Exchange Program etc.

All this along with enjoyable activities such as a boat ride on the Danube river and learning Hungarian folk dances made for an incredibly eventful as well as enriching five days. It was a structured yet organic journey of getting to know other Youth Platform members, understanding our common platform and rights, and exploring what we can do with it to bring about effective change in the field of talent and giftedness.